
The Sreepur Village Clinic

The Sreepur Village Clinic

The Sreepur Village Clinic plays a vital role in each and every beneficiary’s health. The clinic, open 24/7, works hard in assessing and treating the many health problems that arise....

The Sreepur Village Clinic

The Sreepur Village Clinic plays a vital role in each and every beneficiary’s health. The clinic, open 24/7, works hard in assessing and treating the many health problems that arise....

Support to Rohingya

Support to Rohingya

Earlier this month, you may have read about The Sreepur Village’s trip to the Southern part of Bangladesh which saw them offering the Rohingya people their support and aid. Led...

Support to Rohingya

Earlier this month, you may have read about The Sreepur Village’s trip to the Southern part of Bangladesh which saw them offering the Rohingya people their support and aid. Led...

Festival of Light Celebration

Festival of Light Celebration

At The Sreepur Village we enjoy celebrating all the religious festivals for the children and mothers so that they can live in a joyous environment. A few days back, The...

Festival of Light Celebration

At The Sreepur Village we enjoy celebrating all the religious festivals for the children and mothers so that they can live in a joyous environment. A few days back, The...

Celebrating our 1,000 mother to join Sreepur!

Celebrating our 1,000 mother to join Sreepur!

For the last 28 years, The Sreepur Village has been working hard to help destitute single mothers and their children, aiding their development in every aspect of life so that...

Celebrating our 1,000 mother to join Sreepur!

For the last 28 years, The Sreepur Village has been working hard to help destitute single mothers and their children, aiding their development in every aspect of life so that...

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day, a day for global mental health, knowledge and advocacy was, last week, noted worldwide but really it is something that we should be recognising every single...

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day, a day for global mental health, knowledge and advocacy was, last week, noted worldwide but really it is something that we should be recognising every single...

World Food Day

World Food Day

Tommy Miah, MBE, and the Sreepur Village, Bangladesh, are today celebrating World Food Day (16th October 2017) and in recognition of this important date, Tommy kindly presents one of his...

World Food Day

Tommy Miah, MBE, and the Sreepur Village, Bangladesh, are today celebrating World Food Day (16th October 2017) and in recognition of this important date, Tommy kindly presents one of his...