World Food Day

World Food Day

Tommy Miah, MBE, and the Sreepur Village, Bangladesh, are today celebrating World Food Day (16th October 2017) and in recognition of this important date, Tommy kindly presents one of his fantastic recipes from the renowned EAT ASIA range.

Tommy Miah - the founder of International Indian Chef of the Year Competition & Awards - has also been busy marking World Food Day and National Curry Week (9-15th October 2017) by holding the 26th annual edition of his awards. For a taste of his success and to note down his mouth-watering recipe then visit:

We are really grateful to Tommy, who was born in Bangladesh, for his ongoing support to The Sreepur Village and If you would like to donate to The Sreepur Village charity then why not give a gift that gives.

The Sreepur Village is a very large family; there can be over 160 mothers and 400 children staying with us at any one time. That’s a lot of hungry mouths to feed! We cook three nutritious meals a day for our mother and child beneficiaries and our big kitchen requires big cooking pots. Cooking pots of this size are expensive but they will last us many years. To donate and give the village a cooking pot then please visit:

#worldfoodday2017 #TommyMiah #curry #recipe #Bangladesh #awards#cookingpot #donate #charity #internationalindianchef #competition #chef

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