World Menstrual Hygiene Day - 28 May 2023

World Menstrual Hygiene Day - 28 May 2023

Together we can work to change the stigma in Bangladesh

Each year on the 28th of May, World Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated all around the world.

Did you know that millions of women and girls face exclusion and discrimination because they menstruate which can prevent women and girls from getting an education, earning an income, and participating in everyday life.

The majority of women and girls who live in Bangladesh cannot afford to buy disposable sanitary towels or tampons. Instead they often use rags torn from old saris. Because most women and girls are not educated in how to properly wash and store these rags after use, vaginal and urinary tract infections are very common.

At Sreepur Village our mothers have been using homemade reusable sanitary towels made out of textiles.

They receive menstrual hygiene training on the importance of cleaning the towels with soap after usage, drying them in the sun to kill bacteria and keeping them in a special bag to keep them hygienic.

‘Understanding about menstruation hygiene transforms lives’
Our mothers have recently been looking at improving how they can make their reusable towels more secure and last longer.
By Donating just 50 pence we are able to supply one mother with the materials and tools in which to make one secure sanitary pad.
So, if you multiply that by 1000, we would need £500 to provide a generous supply of sanitary pads for our mothers, their daughters and for the girls who attend our Night Shelter in Dhaka.
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