World Kindness Day, 2018
As today marks World Kindness Day, we asked one of our children in The Sreepur Village what they think kindness means to them.
“I am Anik and I am in Grade three. I have been living in The Sreepur Village for two years now and for me kindness means love, sharing, helping and peace. When I am at school, if my friends need my help then I am always happy to assist, to me that is kindness.
Before coming to The Sreepur Village, the option to eat properly or healthily didn’t exist but now in The Sreepur Village I am fortunate and am able to eat three healthy meals a day as well as snacks in the morning and afternoon. When I lived in my community, I only ate rice and some simple vegetables, but here in The Sreepur Village I get to eat fish, meat and a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables. I have also learned to read and write here, and in the evening, I get to play cricket or football.”
Nutritious food, shelter, education, sport, and health care, all of these provisions are acts of kindness and all of which have been made possible by The Sreepur Village and their supporters.
Anik also told us he feels really cared for and loved in The Sreepur village, to him it’s like one big family. To him helping others in need is really important, he said, “if I saw a blind person trying to cross the street, then I would rush to help him or her”
We also asked Anik to list some random acts of kindness and this is what he said:
1. Let somebody go first.
2. Help a friend with their work.
3. Bring flowers for a grown-up.
5. Share your snacks.
6. Give somebody a hug.
7. Draw somebody a picture.
8. Make a new friend.
“We can change the world by our kindness. Kindness Begins with me.” Anik