Trustees Week 2021 - Janette Porter
Wednesday's word is 'Trustee' and as part of this weeks Trustees Week, today we are delighted to share with you the remarkable work of one of our Trustees, Janette Porter.
Janette is the legal and governance trustee for the Sreepur Village and has been a trustee for about six years, prior to that she was an advisor for two years.
Janette became involved with the Sreepur Village charity through her mother, Ruby Porter MBE, a fellow trustee who has been supporting the mothers and children at Sreepur since its onset in 1989.
For the last three decades Janette, along with her mother Ruby, has fundraised for Sreepur by selling handicrafts made at Sreepur.
As well as exhibiting Bangladeshi crafts throughout the UK, Janette has given lectures about Sreepur to local guilds, church clubs and has delivered many talks to schools across Liverpool including John Moores University where she works as a project coordinator and sessional lecturer in sociology and education.
In addition, Janette is a member of her University Research and Ethics Council.
During lockdown 2020 Janette hosted a Covid-safe Fair Trade porch shop at her house where she sold many handmade crafts produced at Sreepur. To date Janette has raised an amazing £700. If you would like to book a visit to the FT porch shop then please email Emma at fundraising@sreepurvillage.org
Janette has been fortunate to visit and stay at the Sreepur village three times and each time she has supported the disabled special needs adults who live permanently in the village.
Janette has also worked with the mothers and children in the school, textile, weaving and paper making projects. She also supported the mothers in training for employment in the local textiles industry and on one occasion Janette assisted Ruby on sourcing a new loom from the Tangail textile district in the east of Bangladesh from which the recent tie-dye scarfs are made.
While visiting the Sreepur Village project Janette was also able to visit the surrounding schools as well as the other projects that Sreepur is involved in.
Janette proudly tells us, "I have been warmly welcomed into the homes of some of the mothers who live local to Sreepur to support their work with the Christmas card making and the outreach work creating the embroidery for the Christmas cards.
We asked Janette if she could summarise The Sreepur Village in three words what would she say, Janette says, " Respect, Empowering and Sincere"

We are thankful to Janette for her dedication to helping to bring hope to more impoverished families in Bangladesh. By empowering our single mothers with the skills to survive, more mothers can return to their villages not only with independence and dignity but with the confidence to empower thousands more women like themselves.