The Sreepur Village Observed ‘Diwali’ Festival - October 2016

The Sreepur Village Observed ‘Diwali’ Festival - October 2016

The ‘Festivals of Lights’ widely known as Diwali. Diwali is a five-day festival for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains. This shows the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Last Sunday The Sreepur Village family celebrated Diwali with great enthusiasm. All of our children, mothers and staff attended the festival and thoroughly enjoyed it.

During the morning with the leadership of our resident artist, Milan, our ‘little painters’ group decorated under the big water tank with artworks. It was an awesome activity of colour and patterns. All the children gathered under the big water tank and they waited excitedly to see the finished effort. As you can see it looked marvellous!

The second phase of preparation began from noon. Beside paintings, our mothers and staff decorated under the big water tank with diyas, candles, and earthen pots. Those celebrating Diwali light traditional earthenware oil lamps called ‘diyas’ which are said to help Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, find her way into people’s homes.

The prime celebration started in the afternoon with a cultural program. Our older girls performed dances and our mothers sung the songs. The festival was enlightened by the different performances of our staff. The main attraction of the event was lighting the diyas and candles. The big water tank area, admin office, clinic and the main gate were illuminated by hundreds of diyas and candles.

Our Overseas Director Pat Kerr also enjoyed the festivals with children and mothers by lighting the candles and dancing.

The festival ended in the evening when school bell rang for evening study. 
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