Sreepur Village Marks 34 Years of Transforming Lives in Bangladesh

Sreepur Village Marks 34 Years of Transforming Lives in Bangladesh

Sreepur Village, Bangladesh, is proud to mark 34 years of transforming the lives of single mothers and their children by hosting a lively celebration filled with activities and fun in their village grounds.
The highlight of the celebration was the annual sports event in which our children, mothers and staff all participated.  The sports event was also a testament to the charity's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging physical activity and inclusion for all boys and girls.
The children, mothers and staff participated with great enthusiasm and energy, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for all. The day was a perfect opportunity for everyone to come together, have fun, and reflect on the charity's achievements and continued efforts to empower women and promote equality.
We asked a mother and child what they enjoyed most about the day:
Farjana, mother of three children said, ''We are thankful to Sreepur Village for providing us with a home where we can witness the joy on our children's faces''.
12 year old Habib said, ''I am excited to be taking part in three games today, an opportunity I have never had before''.
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Hi John

Thank you for your lovely comments. I am sure Pat never dreamed that her project would become so big! She really has helped thousands of women over the years.

Best wishes

Sreepur Village

Congratulations for this anniversary. I’m amazed that that after 34 years plus a couple of years from Pat Kerr’s initial ideas for a new Village in rural Bangladesh and the difficulties to convince people that it was feasible and now this amazing result. So many people helped over the years.
Unfortunately being in my Autumn years I will never see the village again but hope my family and in particular my Daughter will somehow journey to Bangladesh and visit the village and maybe be a sponsor. I remember Gerry and Godfrey etc all gone by now.
I hope that the Village continues to do this amazing work.Im very glad that I was initially part of the team.
God bless you all.
John R Lowry

John R Lowry (Architect Retired)

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