Ramadan in The Sreepur Village 2018

Ramadan in The Sreepur Village 2018

The holy month of Ramadan started a week ago in Bangladesh which witnesses, for one month, devout Muslims observing, dawn-to-dusk, a fast for self-purification and divine blessings. The scenery of Ramadan in Sreepur Village is distinguished. The mothers and children are dedicated to their fasting and while the mothers training hour has changed a little due to prayer, everyone still attends all the regular activities.

At Iftar time (Iftar is the meal served at the end of the day during Ramadan, to break the day's fast) everyone becomes lively. All the mothers and children gather in the big dining hall eagerly awaiting their Iftar and together they break their fast. Our other religious mothers and children also participate in the Iftar.

Right here, in the heart of The Sreepur Village, all our mothers and children are trying to set an example of how people from diverse religions and cultures can coexist in harmony. The children and mothers also take Sheri (the meal consumed early in the morning before fasting). Every day is a merry event for the mothers and children of The Sreepur Village.

To provide these essential ingredients it costs The Sreepur Village £325 per day, which over the 30- day Ramadan period amounts to a staggering £9,750.

Another important aspect of Ramadan is helping those in need and Zakat https://www.islamichelp.org.uk/zakat/, one of the five pillars of Islam, is the giving of alms to the poor and needy.  

The Sreepur Village is a UK-based charity that provides shelter, food, education, training and a health clinic for over 200 vulnerable women and 500 disadvantaged children in rural Bangladesh. These women and children have fled poverty, fear, torture and loss in order to seek a better future, shelter, food and security all of which supporting The Sreepur Village will provide.

If, as part of your Zakat, you would like to donate to The Sreepur Village or for a regular monthly donation then please kindly click here.

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