Night Shelter and SUCCESS

Night Shelter and SUCCESS

We are delighted to share with you that, after 19 months, we have re-opened up our Girl’s Night Shelter and resumed our SUCCESS project: Slum and Urban Community Children Education Schooling Support. 

In 2020 46 slum based 2nd category street children(who have family or extended family in slums) enrolled into the SUCCESS project with school admission (Primary level) in Nikunja and Khilkhet areas of Dhaka with different schools.

Non-school going and poor children who have dropped out of school, 8 years or above, are eligible for the programme. We monitor their school attendance and education progress and we also provide financial support of 700 TAKA for a child to continue their education. We planned to increase the number of children up to 100 in 2020 but due to the pandemic it was not possible.

There is also a Toy Resource Centre where children can play, they particularly like this as there are no spaces like this for children living in urban slums. 

During the 19-month long closure 20 out of 46 children dropped out of the SUCCESS project.  Now we have re-opened we are also expecting large numbers of girls to be in need of our girls night shelter.

The girls mainly come from Dhaka Airport railway station and we provide them with beds, washing facilities, breakfast, recreation and games. 

We are following strict rules outlined by this worldwide pandemic and our focus as always is on the health, hygiene and happiness of all our girls.

According to local Government Health Department statistics our infection rate is currently below 2 percent.


This week senior management of Le Meridian Hotel (Marriot Group) spent a few hours with our SUCCESS children as part of Spirit to Serve. They cut a celebration cake with all the children, provided everyone with a delicious lunch and engaged the children in a number of art initiatives.

The day, like the named programme, was a huge SUCCESS and everybody enjoyed it immensely.

Donating to our SUCCESS project and Girls Night Shelter means that more children can be off the streets away from trafficking, abuse, child marriage and danger and instead we will ensure that they are cared for and given the chance to learn and play in a safe and secure environment.




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