National Story Telling Week (27th January - 3rd February)
"After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world." Philip Pullman
The Sreepur Village, a UK-based charity, provides a safe haven for over 400 children and 150 mothers in rural Bangladesh. Living alone in fear and not knowing where the next meal is coming from is the start of many a story, and one that all of our beneficiaries have been able to share.
In The Sreepur Village, we like our stories to have happy endings, and by providing our beneficiaries with shelter, food, companionship, care and education, their stories no longer mention fear but instead focus on building brighter futures.
We encourage all of our beneficiaries to join our literacy scheme where they learn to read and write and foster a love for reading books and story-telling.This week we will be focusing on story telling and look forward to sharing with you some of our beneficiaries most favourite stories.