National Eye Health Week

National Eye Health Week

Nine year old Fahad was suffering from poor vision, headaches as well as many other problems in his eyes. After Fahad and his mother arrived to live in the Sreepur Village and under the supervision of a clinic team, Fahad was able to receive treatment to cure his visual impairment.

"I was unable to read anything that was close to my eyes, my eyes used to water continuously, but now I’m so happy to be able to see everything clearly", Fahad said.

His mother Ambia said, "Eye treatment is so expensive in Bangladesh and because we were so poor and couldn't afford food let alone healthcare, I most definitely couldn’t afford the cost of my only son’s eye treatment. I owe a lot to Sreepur and I'm delighted that my son's vision has improved and that he is feeling comfortable and no longer suffering", she added.

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 and since 2019 our specialised eye and dental camps, which would take place in the village twice a year, have been unable to take place. 

We do hope that as the situation in Bangladesh eases, we will be able to resume these clinics and bring more hope to mothers and children like Fahad. 

If you would like to donate to the Sreepur Village so that they can resume their eye and dental camps in the future then please click here.  

With your support we can continue our vision of providing more families with hope, health and happiness for the future.

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