Libraries Week

Libraries Week

To mark #librariesweek we would like to introduce you to some of our bookworms who, when we took a visit to our school library today, were sitting in chairs, reading books, browsing the bookshelves, standing and chatting. We asked some of them what they thought about the library.

“I have been visiting the library regularly since I arrived in The Sreepur Village. I'm a keen reader. It gives mental refreshment and helps me with my studies. My mother always encourages me to visit the library,” said Rima, a grade five student of The Sreepur Village School. She continued to say, “I visit the library to read stories and sometimes textbooks. The library has been a huge support. Before coming to The Sreepur Village, I didn’t have any opportunities to visit an enriched library. But now, I have the chance to get the smell of books.” Rima also added, “My mother also visits the library. She also reads some books. Everyday my friends and I hang out here for reading and gossiping. I love the place. This library has helped me a lot, it has helped us to increase our reading habits.”

The Sreepur Village library is visited by book lovers of all ages, which includes students, mothers in higher study, but most notably it is frequented by our young readers. The library is decked with textbooks, novels, manuscripts, poetry, children’s books, childcare and health, agriculture and production related books, and legal aids.

As with all libraries, The Sreepur Village’s library is important as it offers important services. Through the support of our donors, The Sreepur Village library can encourage reading habits as well as provide mothers with learning aids so they can feel socially and economically empowered.

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