How we are helping to save Bangladeshi's children from drowning

How we are helping to save Bangladeshi's children from drowning

On average, every day 46 children die due to drowning in Bangladesh with a yearly death toll around 17,000. 87 per cent of such deaths take place when vast areas of the country are submerged by flood waters. Most of the children of The Sreepur Village come from the Northern riverine districts of Bangladesh where their circumstances are very insecure. In a report by UNICEF it states that the cost of preventing drowning amongst children is no more expensive than preventing other diseases.

However, to avoid such premature deaths, The Sreepur Village takes steps in building awareness and most significantly swimming training for our children. At our Village we prepare a specially designed bamboo structure in the pond to teach swimming. Within the next week or so we are going to start training our children in a safe environment. The aim of this training is to teach the children the basic survival techniques required to stop them from drowning. We will give you some updates once this training starts.

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