Happy New Year
What’s new this year? The Sreepur Village has started its New Year by welcoming many new mothers and children and you will also see a fabulous change amongst the existing children. Their school uniform is now green and along with the red jumpers they were given as gifts, the children and their new attires can be seen to be brightening up the village rather splendidly.
The new school year has also begun where the smell of new books permeates The Sreepur Village air. Like other parts of the country on January 1, The Sreepur Village’s school celebrated the “Textbook Festival Day” which involved the distribution of new textbooks for the new academic year.
In the early morning the children went to school and they were handed over a new set of textbooks during the morning assembly. The children were delighted with their new books, some started to jump with joy whilst others were keen to flip through the pages.