Growing Minds, Growing Vegetables

Growing Minds, Growing Vegetables

Maybe all of you know about gardening, but what about growing literacy? Since last month, the Sreepur Village has started an agricultural literacy programme for our mothers! It is an integrated method of gardening, using sacks, and literacy. Throughout this process, our mothers learn about gardening and literacy simultaneously. 

The Sreepur Village focuses heavily on literacy as it believes it will improve the quality of the women’s lives. Literacy skills can help in increasing incomes, thus reducing poverty and improving the overall health conditions of all family members. Therefore, all the mothers of the village are required to participate in the literacy programme. Among them, 37 mothers have been attending the agricultural literacy programme for three months where, in the classroom, they learn the letter, and words related to agricultural-led gardening, and then they use and implement these newly learnt skills directly onto the practice field.

Most of our mothers are from the flood-prone northern areas of Bangladesh so most of them don’t have the basic skills required in agriculture. So, with this literacy programme focusing on agricultural-led gardening it will help them to grow their vegetables and provide nutrition for their children, at the same time, aiding their literacy in the practice field.

We hope you enjoy the pictures of our mothers in their #outdoorclassroom, growing their minds as well as their vegetables.    



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