Foster Care Fortnight

Foster Care Fortnight

As part of #FosterCareFortnight, The Sreepur Village is a mother and child-focused organisation, in which every activity that is carried out is for the development of the 500 children and 200 mothers. At The Sreepur Village, whilst the vast majority of children have mothers, some have been abandoned or come from a life of trafficking.

Childhood is a period where parents are essential firstly, for the child’s survival and existence and then later for their full physical and mental growth. Emotionally, a child needs love and affection and the feeling and knowing that they are wanted and accepted in the family and community where they can have some sense of security and continuity.

From this understanding, in 2006, The Sreepur Village initiated its Foster Care programme. The programme was initiated for our orphans, abandoned children and for our mother’s adolescent children. The foster care initiative aimed to enhance the general life skills of those children living under the care of The Sreepur Village.

Now, we have five children in the foster family. We pay local village families to foster boys over the age of 11 as well as our orphaned and abandoned girls. Our foster programme team supervises the activities ensuring that the boys and girls become a part of the family, and that the families nurture and look after them as their own. The foster children also visit The Sreepur Village to attend the various programmes we offer throughout the year.

Fostering is a great opportunity for orphaned or abandoned children to become a part of a family where they can learn about social life, values and relationships. It has been said that children brought up in a supported foster family environment have a high attendance at school and generally, develop into well-adjusted adults who value their lives in the community.  

For The Sreepur Village to help foster five children, from June to December this year, they will need £2500. It may seem a large amount, but for £500 you could be giving a child the chance of living a life, off the streets, and instead being placed in the arms of a loving foster family.

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