Drowning Prevention Week

Drowning Prevention Week

This week in the UK its #DrowningPreventionWeek and in Bangladesh right now it's the rainy season which means hundreds of families, in flood-stricken areas, will lose their homes but most importantly their lives. 

Last year in July, The Sreepur Village and CIPRB (Centre for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh), set up #SwimSafe - a two month programme which, returning this July, is aimed at reducing the number of deaths by drowning by providing lessons in swimming and surviving.


Every day in rural Bangladesh 46 children will die from drowning which amounts to 17,000 per year. Most of the children of The Sreepur Village come from the rural riverine area where death by drowning is extremely common.

So, with these statistics it is clear to see why The Sreepur Village started the SwimSafe programme and as this is the last year of the programme, we have already started to train some of our members of staff so that we can continue to offer our children such life-saving lessons.

We currently teach the children in the village's pond using a makeshift bamboo structure but in order to create a more stable platform we would need to build a stronger structure which would cost £250.

Your donations really do make a difference to the lives of our mothers and children and if we can raise the £250, this week, then we can teach many more children in the prevention of drowning which in the long term means saving many many more lives.

Please click here to donate today. 

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